30-Day EC: Spotlight on Estefanie

  We are now 20 days into The 30-Day Exercise Challenge…Level 3, here we come! A few days ago, I brought you a Day 15 update from our forerunner, Toni. Today, I give you Estefanie. Y’all wait until you see her pictures from just FIFTEEN days with Jillian! Unbelievable!  If you’re not a part of this group, now is the time. The new challenge begins on September 15…plenty of time to get prayed up before Jillian takes ahold of you. Bless her heart. Bless my heart. Bless all the hearts.

PIN THIS, y’all!

AinW: Hi! I’m so glad you’re in the group! Would you mind sharing the city where you live, your age, and a little about your weight loss/health/fitness journey before The 30-Day Exercise Challenge, including your fitness level before starting?

City: Casa Grande, AZ
Age: 24 (turning 25 in about 2 months)
Fitness level, etc. before The Challenge: Before the challenge, I would go to a Zumba class about once a week sometimes twice a week if I woke up on time. I also tried another challenge and to be honest I didn’t get that motivated with it as I am with this challenge. So the fitness level I was at before this challenge was pretty much nonexistent.

AinW: One of the things I love about this Challenge is that you can make it your own. Choose whichever program or plan works best for you! Which exercise program did you choose (i.e. 30-Day Shred, T-Tapp, other) during The Challenge?

Estefanie: I decided to do The 30-Day Shred for this challenge. I’ve tried to do this DVD before but would always quit before I got to the 2nd level. I needed that push to finish this DVD once and for all.

AinW: What do you like about that program?

Estefanie: What I like about The 30DS the most is the fact that I can feel the burn instantly, and that I am working multiple muscle groups at once. I also like that you can actually see yourself get stronger, and gain endurance in matter of days.

AinW: What do you hate about it?

Estefanie: Does JM’s voice count? Totally joking. She scares me. I find that she is a bit on the nagging side on level 1, so I had to put the DVD on mute and just blast some music for my sanity. On level 2 though, she seems a bit more encouraging. No idea what level 3 is going to be like. Also, I don’t like the fact that the DVD makes you realize just how much you jiggle haha.

Pre-Order Messy Beautiful Love by Time-Warp Wife’s Darlene Schacht NOW!

messy beautiful love

Hope and redemption for Real-Life Marriages.

AinW: What are some of the obstacles or challenges you’ve overcome in completing The Challenge daily?

Estefanie: I think the hardest part for me was the motivation to actually get up and do the DVD. But then that is where this awesome group comes in. I would see a group of wonderful ladies just encourage each other to get off that couch and put in some work. I felt like I couldn’t let these women down! Because of them, and of course Heather for creating this challenge, I’ve made it this far.

Another issue for me was finding time. I have two small children in school, I recently started school again, and work 5 days a week, plus I have to take in consideration of my “other half” schedule as well. So to say I didn’t know where I would fit in a workout was an understatement. It made me really get down to business and get a schedule going. And turns out I HAD time, just wasn’t using it properly. As the saying goes: “If it’s IMPORTANT, you’ll MAKE time”.

AinW: I LOVE that! What benefits have you reaped from exercising daily?

Estefanie: I think the biggest benefit I found is that once I started working out, I wanted to eat healthier and make better choices when given the chance. Also I wanted to work out even more as time went on. I started going to Zumba 3x a week on top of the 30DS. And it makes you realize that your body CAN change. My lower body is my “problem area”, and I never thought that my legs, and hips would EVER go down in size, but so far I have lost a few inches in that area! It’s a small change but to know that it can change pushes me to work harder. I was even able to raise my “goal jeans” past my knees and it stopped right underneath my butt. Before I could barely get them past my knees. I am determine to fit in those jeans by my birthday!

Here are my results so far:

Bust: – 1 ½ (great…I already don’t have anything there…)

Waist: – 1 ½

Hips: – 1

  1. Thigh: – 1 (don’t know how that happened)
  2. Thigh: – ½ (don’t know how that happened either)
  3. Arm: – ½ (woo hoo on my way to Jillian Michaels arms, apparently one arm at a time…)

A grand total of 6 inches overall and down 2.4 lbs!!!!

AinW: WOW! What do you believe about yourself and your body’s capabilities that you maybe didn’t know/believe before beginning The Challenge?

Estefanie: I now believe that anything is possible. I can feel my body get stronger; I can feel my body being able to push itself harder than the day before. I can see my body starting to fit in the “skinny” side of my closet. I thought I would never see all those clothes again. Before the challenge started, I’ll be completely honest with you, I lost myself. I thought I should just accept the fact that I will forever be the fat girl. I hated myself for being fat. I never thought I would ever be able to lose weight and be happy. And this challenge woke me up. I believe I can do this. I believe that my body is capable of anything, and that it can get stronger, and most importantly it is beautiful.

AinW:  I am so grateful for your candor. I believe many women can relate. What are you hoping the second half of The Challenge will bring for you/your health and fitness?

Estefanie: I am hoping the 2nd half of this will bring me strength to be able to do all 3 circuits without stopping and feeling like I’m going to have a heart attack. And the motivation to. Just. Keep. Going.

AinW: What kind of eating plan have you followed during The Challenge? Do you feel like it’s helpful in the process or not and, if not, what is your plan moving forward?

Estefanie: I think this is where I had the most success out of this challenge. I started to count my calories, but ain’t nobody got time for that. So I gave up (I want to start counting again, it seems to help me lose more weight) and just started making healthier choices. I started to eat protein WITH EVERY MEAL. Plus I would have a protein shake for lunch most days. And a protein shake after working out. Those 2 shakes would give me a total of 120g of protein and not including what I would eat with my meals. I also raised my water intake. I live in Arizona, and I was already drinking almost a gallon of water a day, but now I drink that or more. I also try to eat salads, and wayyyy smaller portions. I still eat whatever I want but it’s all about portion control. I think by doing this, helped me with my bloating issues. I bloat up like a balloon very easily.

AinW: What’s the one piece of equipment you could not exercise without?

Estefanie: Right now I would say my weights. I want me some Jillian Michaels arms!! I am going to be buying a Polar F4 soon so that way I can start to see how [many calories] I’m actually burning during workouts. If only they would scream as they burned, I know I would be even more encouraged.

AinW: What’s the funniest thing that’s happened during The Challenge related to the exercise?

Estefanie: Does my thighs making clapping sounds of encouragement to push harder count? I seriously despise plank jacks and any other jumping movements.

AinW: Ugh! The jumping’s The. Worst. What has been the most encouraging or motivating factor in this process for you?

Estefanie: I think the most encouraging aspect of this process is having other people see a difference, and saying what a great job I’m doing. Only difference I can tell is in my face, other than that I don’t really see too much until I look at comparison pictures. So it’s nice to have some reassurance, especially from my other half who sees me on a daily basis.

AinW: How has being a part of The 30-Day Exercise Challenge on Facebook spurred you on to persevere?

Estefanie: I think it’s been about the accountability that this group has provided. I get a guilty feeling if I don’t work out. I feel like I let the ladies down. Everyone is so encouraging and it just makes you push yourself. Like I said before on question 5, it’s because of them and Heather that I made it this far.

AinW: Didn’t you tell me you had pictures to share with us?

Estefanie: I do!

E front

E side

E back

Estefanie, y’all! That’s LEGIT! Ain’t she a beaut? Can’t wait to bring you a Day 30 update on this lady!

Don’t forget to enter to win the Bolder Bands. Click here and scroll to bottom for entering instructions.

30-Day EC: Spotlight on Toni

I am BEYOND excited to introduce y’all to Toni, one of the over 800 precious women who have joined me in The 30-Day Exercise Challenge. Toni’s from New Zealand, y’all! I have a friend in New Zealand! That sounds so exotic from here in North Texas (read: I’m a dork.). We call her John the Baptist. She’s our forerunner. Because of the time difference from New Zealand to North America, where the majority of us are, she works out half a day ahead of us and loops back to tell us what’s in store for us.  By the time we’re working out, she’s fast asleep. Like many of us, she has faced obstacles to being successful in The Challenge but has persevered! She blazes a path for us to follow. I just love her, and I know you will, too. Here’s my conversation with Toni.

PIN IT, y’all!

AinW: Hi! You’re awesome, and I love you, but you already know that! AinW readers who aren’t in the Super Secret Squirrel Facebook group want to get to know you, too. Would you mind sharing the city where you live, your age, and a little about your weight loss/health/fitness journey before The 30-Day Exercise Challenge, including your fitness level before starting?

City: Auckland, New Zealand
Age: 37 (38 one week after the challenge finishes)
Fitness level, etc. before The Challenge: Active enough to keep up with my kids (just) but probably among the first to get eaten in a Zombie Apocalypse.

AinW: You crack me up! One of the things I love about this Challenge is that you can make it your own. Choose whichever program or plan works best for you! Which exercise program did you choose (i.e. 30-Day Shred, T-Tapp, other) during The Challenge?

Toni:  I have been Shredding, walking and searching random workouts on YouTube to spice things up when I am bored. Does swearing at Jillian until I am out of breath count as cardio too?

AinW: You bet it does! One of our group members routinely calls her an Evil Cow. That sounds about right. 🙂 What do you like about The Shred?

Toni: I do feel like I am getting a workout that pushes me (huh, you think?), but I can still do most of it (admittedly with all the elegance of baby bird in mud).

AinW: What do you hate about it?

Toni: Um, the exercising part.

AinW: Well, that makes TWO of us, sister! In week one of The Challenge, I went out-of-town. Talk about your obstacles! Then, my DVD wouldn’t play in my computer! Ugh! What are some of the obstacles or challenges you’ve overcome in completing The Challenge daily?

Toni: My husband left on a 6-week military exercise, and we have no contact with him, which is hard. He also kindly gifted us all head colds before he left. Did you know that puppy pee pads are great for catching nose dribbles when doing plank jacks? Just FYI!

AinW: How lovely of him! Be sure to pay him back when he returns to his skinny wife! 🙂 What benefits have you reaped from exercising daily?

Toni: Well I haven’t lost any weight (in fact I put on a whole bunch, but I blame the emotional eating for that), but although I weigh a little more I didn’t put on any inches. I am definitely fitter already and stronger – I can now complete a level 2 Shred and not spend the next day having to lower myself onto the toilet by wedging my arms on either wall because I’m afraid that if I don’t the impact from my free-fall will break the seat! I count that as progress!

Pre-Order Messy Beautiful Love by Time-Warp Wife’s Darlene Schacht NOW!

messy beautiful love

Hope and redemption for Real-Life Marriages.

AinW: That first-week thigh pain is no joke. I was right there with you! What do you believe about yourself and your body’s capabilities that you maybe didn’t know/believe before beginning The Challenge?

Toni: I didn’t know I would be a “gym grunter” – you know those people that grunt or groan every time they lift a weight or get to the end of their set. *Facepalm* I am one of them!

AinW: What are you hoping the second half of The Challenge will bring for you/your health and fitness?

Toni: Some weight loss! Seriously those pounds and inches, or as we say here in NZ kilos and centimetres, can just take a hike. I won’t even try to find them again, and I won’t miss them even slightly.

AinW: I’d be willing to bet they’ll fall right off now. What kind of eating plan have you followed during The Challenge? Do you feel like it’s helpful in the process or not and, if not, what is your plan moving forward?

Toni: I have been following Trim Healthy Mama…well, I stayed in the Facebook groups and read the recipes posted (if only it were that easy) but didn’t do so great (who am I kidding? I sucked!) at keeping on plan in the 2 weeks before my hubby left. I have now started a 2-week fuel cycle to give me a boost. I’m on day 4 and proud to say no cheats!

AinW: Wow! That’s awesome! What’s the one piece of equipment you could not exercise without?

Toni: Ok there are a couple of things here depending of what level of Shred I am on…

Level one: a pillow. Seriously, I must have the world’s most pathetically weak knees! I know this because my pain tolerance is actually really, really high (the kind of high that involves stubbornly refusing to be put under and making the surgeon go ahead with your emergency C-section even though the anesthetic isn’t working because the specialist told you your baby might not be ok. I am that woman. Yes, it really hurts having your tummy cut open and, yes, my baby was fine), but when I wasn’t strong enough to do a proper pushup and had to resort to the “girly” kind, my pathetically pansy knees couldn’t handle it!

Level 2: a closed door. No-one should hear those sounds!

Finally no matter what level I am on: A good sports bra! These beasts ain’t “puppies” no more, they are full grown St Bernards, and likely to bounce up and black my eyes if they are not properly restrained!

AinW: Try not to frighten the children or black your eyes, would you? What’s the funniest thing that’s happened during The Challenge related to the exercise?

Toni: My daughter reacts worse to Jillian Michaels than most kids do towards Santa. It is like she stole Christmas or something!

AinW: She’s a mean one, Ms. Grinch! What has been the most encouraging or motivating factor in this process for you?

Toni: The Facebook group, and being the “forerunner”. Wow nothing like 800+ other people backing you up!

AinW: How has being a part of The 30-Day Exercise Challenge on Facebook spurred you on to persevere?

Toni: As above and knowing that when I have had a bad day, or not gotten the results I wanted there are others there in the same boat, feeling just as frustrated and annoyed but also willing to reach out to a stranger and urge them on. Aw, warm fuzzies!

AinW: I’m pondering future 30-Day Exercise Challenges. Any thoughts? Suggestions? Recommendations? Requests?

Toni: I am thinking of doing some kind of training that will allow me to do a charity run or triathlon type event….or survive the zombie apocalypse. Those type of things require stamina!

That’s Toni, y’all! Say, “Hey!” to her in the comments here! Told you she’s lovable!

Now, don’t forget about the upcoming challenge. This is a great time to jump in if you’re on the couch watching Rocky, eating ice cream, and feeling bad about yourself. Get up, get over it, and get on with your life!

Also, the GIVEAWAY! Entry closes on Friday, so y’all get over there and enter to win!

The 30-Day Shred: Day 15

“I ran three miles, staggered into the lobby, and took the elevator back to my apartment. No point to overdoing this exercise junk.” –Stephanie Plum
Janet Evanovich, Two for the Dough

You guys. Seriously. I’m not young anymore.

PIN IT, y’all!

The Shred

A few years ago, I completed The 30-Day Shred with Jillian Michaels. At the time, I was young. It did the trick, and the weight fell off.

Then, I had this. The King of (Ring) Pop(s).


Clearly, he wasn’t that size when he came out (*wince*). He’s become that size in the last few years (*sniff*). Anywho, by the time he hit two, I figured it was time to take what I’m referring to as ‘the baby weight’ off. So, I fired up The 30-Day Exercise Challenge on Facebook, and over 800 of my closest and dearest girlfriends from around the globe joined me, as my second trip through Shredville began.

Granted, not everyone is Shredding, but to each her own. Some are walking. Some are T-Tapping. Some are PiYo-ing. Bottom line: they’re doing something besides sitting on the couch watching Rocky marathons on AMC (my specialty). Last Friday marked Day 15 of The 30-Day Exercise Challenge and, in particular for me, The 30-Day Shred.

The 30-Day Shred consists of three levels at 10 days each. Each workout is less than half-an-hour long. I add at least a half-hour of cardio (read: swim with my children) most days. I’m halfway through level 2. I’m begging Jesus to make a quick return before level 3 begins. My shoulders would like to spend exactly zero more minutes in the plank position.

Here are my stats at the halfway point:

Neck: lost 1 inch (tips about managing newfound turkey neck appreciated)
Bust: lost 2 inches (of course…and down one cup size)
Waist: lost 2 inches
Belly: lost 2.5 inches
Hips: lost 1 inch
Arms: lost 2.25 inches for both
Legs: lost 1.5 inches for both

For those of you that don’t have A Beautiful Mind (me, either, but I’ve got a calculator), that’s a total of 12.25 inches in 15 days with The Heifer Otherwise Known as Jillian.

Oh, and I lost 6.4 pounds, too. Say what you want about her, but it works!

My 14-year-old daughter, she who really didn’t need to lose anything, has been Shredding with me (bless her heart!) and lost a total of 8.5 inches and 1.4 pounds, too! #proudmama

More toned. More flexible. More cardio stamina. More sweaty. More stinky. More laundry. More showering. More, more, more. But less hungry! All that exercise makes me somewhat more careful about what I eat.

I try to stick around 400 calories per meal (x3) plus a 200-calorie afternoon snack, but I’m not a stickler about this. Being a stickler makes my perfectionism act up, driving me to perfect overeating again. I also try to eat relatively low-carb and overall healthy foods. I suspect that, as I go, I’ll have to get better about this. And maybe back off the Chick-fil-A fried chicken sandwiches a bit. But, hey, as long as I can lose an average of 2 pounds per week and still have the occasional chicken sandwich, ain’t no shame in that game.

Here’s my Day 15 pictorial update. More pics forthcoming on Day 30, of course.

Day 1 to 15 before and after collage

If you can’t see a difference, besides the fact that I managed to paint my toenails in 15 days, please don’t tell me.  I’m anxious to complete this challenge and move on to the next one, so I can have some more obvious before-and-after pictures, which WILL be forthcoming on Day 30. Over.


The next 30-Day Exercise Challenge is scheduled to begin on Monday, September 15! Y’all need to get in on this, even if you aren’t tracking with the particular exercise type that we’re doing. If you’ve joined the current challenge late, this will be the perfect time to be on Day 1 with us! Many, many are being motivated, supported and encouraged in whatever exercise they’ve chosen.


The new challenge is Jillian Michaels’ Ripped in 30! This DVD is similar in style to The 30-Day Shred but contains FOUR workouts instead of three! If memory serves me correctly (and we all know that’s sketchy), level 1 of Ripped is worse, way worse, than level 3 of The Shred (even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus). I will be doing each workout for two weeks, meaning this particular challenge will last a total of eight weeks, ending on/around Friday, November 7, 2014. And y’all KNOW I’m already researching a plan for after that! Lord knows I’m gonna need to workout when the holidays (and their cookies and such!) roll around! Dang cookies.

Don’t worry about specifics for now, just make sure you have the DVD and your trusty hand weights. A sweat rag will be good, too. I’ll be posting printable calendars and weight/measurement sheets for y’all soon!

I call this one The-DVD-I-Never-Finished-Because-Morning-Sickness. Whereas, The 30-Day Shred the past few weeks was about getting moving, this one’s gonna be about redemption. I did level 1 of Ripped after I finished The Shred years ago. I remember going into it a little cocky after having killed level 3 of The Shred and, immediately, being humbled. It. Will. Not. Break. Me.

If you’ve been doing the legwork to prepare for The 30-Day Shred, here’s the link to buy it. You can start it on Day 1 with us and track right along with us at your own pace.

If you’re still preparing to even deal with The 30-Day Shred, Jillian’s come out with a new, Beginner Shred DVD. It’s on pre-sale at Amazon now in time for a September 2 release date. You can get it here.

{Affiliate links abound.}


Y’all. The sweat is becoming an issue. For reals. First, it starts as a little beading, then, the next thing I know, I’m wiping it out of my cleavage. I promise it comes out of my ears sometimes. It’s a thing.

For this reason, I knew, the moment I saw these beauties, that they were the one for me!

And now, I want TWO of you to have one of these for sweat-soaking purposes, so I’m giving them away! In order to enter, just leave a comment on this post telling what has been the most encouraging part of being in The 30-Day Exercise Challenge group, or, if you’re not in the group yet, how the encouragement of the group will help motivate you to meet your exercise goals. Then, get in the group, man. Not man. Lady. Ladies only, dude.

Rules, lady:
To enter, you MUST leave a comment answering one of the above questions ON THIS POST (not on the Facebook page)!
Enter only once, please.
Comments will close for winning purposes on Friday, August 29, 2014, sometime around dinnertime.
Winners will get to choose size and style of Bolder Band.
And this: I LOVE Y’ALL!


Some of the ladies from The 30-Day Exercise Challenge have volunteered to guest post here on AinW. I’m pretty sure it’s because of their great love for me, but whatever. Starting tomorrow, I’ll be sharing their posts with you! If they don’t inspire you, God help you.

Up first: Toni, from Auckland, New Zealand. We call her John the Baptist. She’s our Forerunner.

Get to commenting, Winners!

The 30-Day Exercise Challenge

“A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise.” ~A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Jillian Michaels

Three years ago, before I became a mother for the second time, I lamented outlined, ad infinitum, my travails with a one, Ms. Jillian Michaels. If, for some reason, you are in a position to need a recap, please explore the following links. And God bless you for taking the time and energy to do so.

The 30-Day Shred, Day 10: I’m Not Dead Yet, But It’s Still a Possibility

The 30-Day Shred: The Results Post

Shredding FAQ’s

Around three months ago, two months after aforementioned baby turned 2, I decided to shed the baby weight. It was time. I mean, the little bugger’s practically shaving at this point. Anyway, I enlisted the help of a new-to-me eating plan, Trim Healthy Mama, a version of carb cycling. Though I have been on nearly every diet known to (wo)man, this plan is the only one that has ever made me immediately feel better, in addition to losing weight. And, while I was having great success in eating well, I was struggling to incorporate exercise. Translation: I was sitting on the couch enjoying Rocky marathons on AMC.  Seriously.

Does watching another human being exercise count for anything? Well, it should.

It was then that I remembered the rousing success I’d had with The Shred and went on the hunt for my DVD. Though we’ve moved to another state since my last Shredding episode, I easily located it on the DVD shelf. Dang, I thought it had gotten “lost” in the move. Thanks a lot, Lord. Anyway, I popped that sucker into the Blu-Ray player and turned it on…then sat on the couch and watched her go. Boy, was I exhausted! I was hoping she was going to jump out of the TV and bring me a bottle of water or something. I was some kind of thirsty! I mean. Right then, I knew that, if I was going to have any current success facing this woman again, I was going to need to enlist an army of supporters.

And so The 30-Day Exercise Challenge Facebook group was born.

This growing group, consisting of women who are THMers, Carb Cyclers, Shredders, T-Tappers, teenagers, moms, grandmoms, big, little, fit, not-so-much (me),  and from all corners of the globe has become a squadron of exercising soldiers who offer the utmost level of support and encouragement, mixed with a little humor. I mean, really. Sometimes jumping jacks make you pee a little. It’s a thing.

Our upcoming challenge begins on August 4 and continues through September 13. The goal is to exercise 5 days per week (M-F), in whatever way is best for you. I’ll be Shredding. And talking to Jesus. Mostly talking to Jesus. Amen.

For those of us who are Shredding, here is the schedule:

BEFORE: weigh (once you weigh, stay off the scale until the halfway point…trust me on this), measure everything (calves, thighs, hips, belly, waist, bust, arms, neck) and take pictures (front, back, both sides)

August 4-8: Level One daily (Day three’s the worst…push through the wall, if you’re still able to walk.)
August 11-15: Level One daily, a brisk walk or other cardio later, if you’ve got it in you
August 18-22: Level Two daily

HALFWAY: weigh, measure and take pics (put the scale away until the end)

August 25-29: Level Two daily, cardio later if you’re still on your feet
September 1-5: Celebrate Labor Day by ushering in Level Three!
September 8-12: Level Three daily and, later, cardio if you can

AFTER (September 13): weigh, measure and take pics. Resist the urge to look in the mirror and say, “You’re a sexy beast!” You may scare the children.

My sweet friend, Kerry, developed this form to help us keep track of all of this information: THM 30-Day Challenge Sheets . You can add your weights on there where you want, but I think you’ll find the measurements to be more impressive.

We’ll be posting every day throughout The Challenge for support, encouragement, obstacle-busting, prayer requests (lots!) and such. Also, we’ll be so grateful to see all the before/after posts, both at the halfway point and at the end! Then, we can eat cake! Wait, what? Sorry. I thought I was posting about my Cake Eating Facebook group there for a minute. Wrong group.

And once this challenge is done, I’m planning to propose the next one. I already have something in mind. Mwahaha!

If you want in on this action, simply send a request to join The 30-Day Exercise Challenge Facebook group. There’re nearly two weeks prior to the start for you to get ready. If you want to Shred, you’ll need the DVD and some hand weights. I started with 2 pounders and worked my way up to 5 before; however, soup cans work great. You’ll also need a pair of tennis shoes and a tight sports bra. Ain’t nobody got time to go to The WalMart with two black eyes. If the floor where you’ll be exercising is hard, a mat of some type is helpful. Ab work, man. I work out on carpet with a sweat-wiping towel nearby. Tight, Spandex-type workout pants are useful, too, unless you want to do the workout 4 or 5 times from the jiggle aftershocks. However, they are not necessary. Duct tape would work just as well, I guess.

I know people say this, but I mean it. For reals. If I can do this, anybody can. Come on. Turn off Rocky, get off the couch, get prayed up, and join the party!


Don’t be left out! Sign up to receive the email notifications every time an update occurs. Just enter your email address in the appropriate box on the right-hand side of the blog to stay up-to-date on, not only The 30-Day Exercise Challenge, but also great recipes, homeschooling tips, remodeling/decorating madness (black doors?) and general hilarity!

UP NEXT: Summer-Fresh Broccoli Salad, a THM-S side dish. Y’all, I don’t like broccoli. I think it smells like feet. But I eat the heck out of this stuff. It’s low-carb goodness!

IN THE MEANTIME: Enjoy this hilarious little post from days gone by…An Unwelcome Visitor.

A Farmer John Update

Awhile back, I told you about how Big Daddy and the Diva had taken on a gardening project now that plantin’ season is upon us.

Although it’s still shockingly cool here in the South, daffodil and tulip season is clearly over. Big Daddy (aka Farmer John) pulled up all his spring crops, his Romaine lettuce, his tulips, his daffodils, his spinach and such, and replaced them with some of our favorite summer stuff.

Oh, and the Diva, who, as it turns out, has the gardening attention span of a gnat, has moved on to something more sparkly.  Farmer John has been left to his own devices and has developed quite a passion for gardening, even readin’ fancy gardenin’ books and all.

It all started last summer. We were in transition from California to East Tennessee when Big Daddy decided to plant a few rows of squash and zucchini over at his parents’ place. One day, I was in his momma’s kitchen making dinner, when my father-in-law walked in. Alone. Since Big Daddy and my father-in-law ride to work together, I wondered what had happened to Big Daddy. So I asked.

My father-in-law, he of deadpan sense of humor and mild manners, said with a straight face, “Farmer John’s out there checkin’ his crops.”

Maybe you have to know my father-in-law to know how funny it is. But it is. Very funny.

Anyway, on that day, Big Daddy, forevermore, became Farmer John during the spring and summer months.  Really, he’s kind of obsessed with these plants.  He checks on them as soon as he comes in from work. He waters and feeds them. He looks at them very carefully and reports any new growth to the Diva and me immediately. He wants to be made aware if anything on the dinner table came from his garden.

If I didn’t intervene, he might get a sleeping bag and sleep out there with them.

Here’s what he’s workin’ right now:

Tomatoes. Lots and lots of tomatoes. Seriously, we eat several tomatoes a day, which I currently have to buy from the man down by the courthouse. We’ve got Romas and slicers, and I can’t wait for them to be ready to eat.

Bell peppers. They gross me out, but Big Daddy likes them. He’s the farmer, so he gets to pick. He’s also got some squash and zucchini out there, but no action yet on them.

Herbs. Not the kind of herbs that people get arrested for growing around here. We’ve just got the regular stuff. Basil, cilantro, etc. Last night, Farmer John harvested some of his basil crop, and I chopped it up and put it on top of some sliced tomatoes and fresh mozzerella. Topped with a little olive oil and alot of balsamic vinegar, it’s a real treat!

He’s got some flowers out there, too. Some marigolds and these. Impatiens? Periwinkles? I can never tell them apart. They’re pretty, whatever they are.

And every so often, he talks the Diva into assisting him. There’s usually the promise of a milkshake involved. We’re real healthy around here these days. We like to balance the bounty of our crops with the occasional trip to the Dairy Queen.

Don’t tell Jillian. Please. She scares me.

Over and out,


Unintended, Unexpected Consequences

Yesterday I outlined for you (in a clipped, utilitarian way, thanks to my very busy life these days) our progress in the little, lifestyle change experiment we have going on here en la casa.

I told you about inches lost, weight lost, and showed you the pictorial evidence.

In the recent past, I’ve told you what we’re eating and our exercise plan. However, there are a few consequences of this journey about which I have not spoken.

Don’t worry. They’re all good.

1. Increased flexibility. The physical kind, not the time kind.

When we began Shredding, I was sure I was going to get bulky muscles, as I have a tendency to do when I workout with weights. However, what I’ve noticed over the course of the past 2 months is a massive increase in flexibility. The opposite of muscle bulk. I can stand flat-footed and press the palms of my hands to the floor; I can touch my nose to either knee; I can hold the bottom of my feet with straight legs.

Two months ago, I was doing well to touch my shins without throwing up.

2. Decreased household garbage output.

As the designated take-the-trash-to-the-garbage-dump person in our rural household, I’m well aware of just how many bags of garbage have to be slung each week. Since we’ve begun eating organic and cut out processed foods, our household garbage output has been cut in half.

Turns out, processed food comes with lots of packaging. Not only are we eating better and feeling better, but we’re saving the earth, one banana/mango/avocado at a time.

3. We share a common goal.

As a family, we are a unit, but we pretty much have individual goals in which the others have little interest. Oh, we show interest in each others’ “stuff” because we’re a family, and that’s what good families do. However, eating well and being active have become parts of the fabric of our family. We exercise together, shop for food together (The Diva and I do, anyway. Big Daddy can’t handle the Wal-Mart.), and prepare and eat the food together.  Outside of our daily Bible study time, this is the time of the day, every day, when we have a common enemy.

Her name is Jillian Michaels.

I’m sure there are more of these little changes in our lives, but for the life of me, I can’t think of them right now. I may or may not have Dissertation Brain, and it may or may not get worse before it gets better.

Feeling fitter than ever,


Ripped in 30 (60): 30 Day Results

Before I go into the results of the past 30 days in my little lifestyle change experiment, let’s take a look back at the journey. If you need to get up to speed.

The 30-Day Shred: Results

Ripped in 30: Day 15

Here’s the eating plan I’ve we’ve been following.

And a sample of the exercise.

We’ve completed the levels where the girls are wearing blue and yellow (2 weeks on each). Today, we move onto the pink level, as we call it in our house. There’s also a black-and-white level. If I’m still alive in 30 days after I’ve completed it, I’ll check back in with you here.

“You are now up to speed.”  Name that movie.

Stats for Ripped in 30/60 (First 30 Days)

Inches Lost:

Chest: 0″
Waist: 1″
Hips: 0″
Upper Arms (combined): 2″
Thighs (combined): 0″
Calves (combined): 1/2″

Weight Loss:

6 lbs.

Stats for Total Journey So Far

Inches Lost:

Chest: 3.5″
Waist: 6″
Hips: 5″
Upper Arms (combined): 4 1/4″
Thighs (combined): 5 1/4″
Calves (combined): 2 1/4″

Weight Loss:

38 lbs.

Clothing Size:

Down 3 pants sizes


Still not brave enough to give them to you in color, but I will be. One day. Maybe.

That’s it for now. Very utilitarian in my post today, I know. Just busy but wanted to update you and build a personal altar to this point so I can have a place of remembrance. Like Abraham. Call me Abraham. No, don’t.

Oh, nevermind.

Tomorrow, I’m going to share with you some unintended, unexpected consequences of this whole journey.  Pretty neat stuff, if you ask me.

Thirty days from now I’ll be back here with the Ripped in 30/60 update and let you in on our next steps.  We have big plans, people! (Big Daddy and the Diva are getting Ripped, too!)

Peace out,

Snacking, These Days

Yesterday, I provided an overview of the illustrious Ms. Michaels’ book Master Your Metabolism and a brief glance into our household’s transition to said eating plan. Today, I thought I’d give those of you joining us on the journey a few, healthy-yet-tasty snack ideas.

Heck, even if you’re not taking the trek with us, these are things I’d eat anyway. They’re good. And good for you.

But mostly good.

Snack Idea #1: 1/2 cup nonfat Greek yogurt, 1 tablespoon of raw honey, 1/8 cup chopped walnuts, 1/2 sliced banana.

We eat this one for pseudo-dessert after dinner each night. If you mix it all together, it tastes like whipped cream. Greek yogurt is very thick. There’s nothing watery about it.  The banana is sweet to those of us who eat no other form of sugar, and the honey tops it off. The crunchy walnuts give it some texture. It’s like eating nutty ice cream. Almost.

Snack Idea #2: 1 cup rolled or steel-cut (read: Irish or organic) oats, 1/8 cup chopped walnuts, 1/8 cup 60% cacao chocolate chips.

I eat this one for breakfast or anytime I need my chocolate fix. Ghiradelli makes the chips, and they have them at my Wal-Mart. If they have them at my Wal-Mart, I know they have them at yours. The steel-cut oats have mounds of protein, and I do not get hungry for at least 4 hours after I eat this.  The chips melt into the oats, and it’s like eating a chocolate oatmeal cookie with crunchy walnuts. Almost.

Snack Idea #3: 2-3 tablespoons hummus spread on a piece of whole wheat bread and topped with tomato slices.

We’ve got tomatoes running out our ears this time of year, and they are delicious! I make my own hummus in the blender (read: super easy), but you can certainly use the store-bought stuff. Sprinkle a touch of salt on there, and it’s a mid-afternoon treat.

Snack Idea #4: 1/4 sliced or cubed avocado, tomato slices, and natural cheese (I like Havarti.) rolled into a soft-taco-sized, whole-wheat tortilla.

There’s no food on earth I love more than avocado. Highest fruit/veggie in fiber terms, too. Sometimes I add a little of my homemade, garlic mayo or homemade hummus for creaminess. It’s superb! Just like a Taco Bell soft taco. Not really, thank the Lord.

Snack Idea #5: 2 tablespoons natural peanut butter on whole-wheat English muffin, with raw honey drizzle.

Super good. Sweet. Salty. Yum.

Snack Idea #6: 2 sliced Roma tomatoes, 4-5 chopped basil leaves, drizzles of olive oil, drizzle of balsamic vinegar, a bit of crumbled feta cheese

So good. And, except for the cheese, you can virtually eat yourself silly with little consequence. I love, love, love volume foods!

Let me know if any of these trip your trigger or if there are other foods you like for which you want snacking suggestions. I’m quickly becoming the master at transforming things I like into things I can eat.

Go forth and snack!

Book Talk: Master Your Metabolism

So, you’re well-aware of our little, um, experiment here at la hacienda. Like I said before, in addition to working out with Jillian, we’re now studying how to eat like her, using her diet manifesto, Master Your Metabolism.

Sure, the book’s not brand-new (it was published in ’09). But, then again, neither is my metabolism. You could buy the book, read it, and then begin to practice what it preaches, or you could read my handy-dandy summary here and take it from there.

Here goes:

After Jillian reflects on her life-long struggle to stay healthy (read: thin), primarily starving herself and exercising religiously, which she claims to hate (whatever.), she outlines the ills with American food consumption and a three-part recovery plan.

She basically says that our hormones (which comprise one’s metabolism) are out of whack. Namely, we all have a little way too much estrogen for our own good. In excess, estrogen makes us fat. And sick (think cancer). And fat. Did I mention that?

The estrogen overage, she asserts, comes from ingesting mountains of animal products (read: meat and dairy) which are pumped full of growth hormones.  To add insult to injury, we eat produce laden with pesticides. And that’s if we eat fresh stuff. The junk from the can/box or the frozen junk? Don’t even go there. Fast food? Not even mentioned. Not even an outlier on the Master Your Metabolism bell curve.

And then there’re the evil plastics. Plastic wrap. Plastic food containers. Plastic spray bottles. Demonic styrofoam.

Our metabolisms, she says, are scrambling to decode the hormonal messages we’re intaking from all sides, throwing us into diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.

Her three-step plan is simple: Remove, Restore, Rebalance.

Remove any offensive pre-packaged foods, high fructose corn syrup, chemicals, and plastics from your life.

Restore foods in your diet that promote fat-burning (read: organics). Eat a colorful diet of all kinds of fruits and veggies, no caffeine, no sugar, non-hormone-filled meats.

Rebalance: exercise, sleep, lower stress.

It ain’t rocket science, people. And, yet, my family has never lived this way. We love hormone-filled meat!

We, however, made the transition a week or so ago. You’d be hard-pressed to find a non-organic piece of meat in this house, save the nitrite-filled bacon I got for free at the Bi-Lo. It’s in the freezer, though. We’re saving all our chemical-laden food for company.

These days we eat lots of wild-caught Alaskan salmon, mountains of organic veggies and fruits, and a boatload of nonfat, Greek yogurt with organic honey and chopped walnuts every day. Re-learning how to cook without access to Old El Paso taco seasoning or a can of Cream of Mushroom soup, at my age, has been more than a little taxing and self-doubt inducing.

She says all this is going to make us feel better and help us lose weight. We’re a week in. I’ll update you when I know something.

In the meantime, give it a try. Load up on berries (blue), beans (black and red, dry), nuts (walnuts and almonds, raw), cruciferous veggies (broccoli and cauliflower) and some organic meat, and go for it. Tell me if you feel any better. Or not.

I’m dying to not be alone in this.

Off to eat a 70% cacao chocolate chip,