The 30-Day Shred: Day 10. I’m Not Dead Yet, But It’s Still a Possibility.

Last Wednesday, I admitted my weight-related shortcomings and self-imposed punishment.

The woman is a beast, and I’m only on level one!

After having completed 10 days of The 30-Day Shred, here’s what I know: I’m very afraid of level two.  The Diva, who exercises alongside me and has yet to break a sweat, and I went ahead and watched both levels two and three the other day.

We’re in a “facing our fears” mode. It’s part of a total homeschooling package.

We learned this: our fears, while theologically founded in original sin and generally uncalled for, are, in this case, justified.  Well, truthfully, the Diva has no reason to fear, with the possible exception of the fact that her mother, with whom she’s left home alone most days, could keel over in the middle of either of the remaining levels.

We’ve developed a plan of action, just in case.

The first 10 days: On day one, I thought I was going to die. On day two, I knew I was. And on day three, I was in the market for someone to put me out of my misery. However, day four was a corner-turner for me, and I began to feel stronger and have more endurance. Now, on day 10, I can hang in there with the beast. I, AinW, can effectively perform 20 push-ups in a row.  Okay, so they’re girly push-ups on my knees, but on day one, I couldn’t even do two in a row!  BRING ON LEVEL TWO!

Wait, not too loudly. (Bring on level two.)

I’ll report back here regarding my progress (or death caused by) levels two and three.  Otherwise, here are the remaining parts of my plan for the next 20 days:

  • Complete The 30-Day Shred
  • Consume no sugary substances…no dessert, no candy, no cake, no cupcakes, nothing, nada, zilch, zip. I haven’t had any in the last 10 days, and, for the most part, I haven’t missed it. Except when I made homemade brownies for my family and couldn’t lick the bowl.
  • Continue to eat a reasonable amount of calories each day (i.e. 1500ish) and make intentional food choices at each opportunity.  Eat fruits and/or veggies at every meal.
  • Do NOT weigh or measure myself until The Shred is complete. I weighed, measured, and took pictures prior to beginning. No, you cannot see the pictures. The Diva has confiscated my scales and tape measure for safekeeping. I’ve promised her a trip to the Bahamas if she can keep it out of my hands until The Shred is over.  The weekly weigh-in is too much of an emotional roller coaster for me. I can’t handle the pressure.

Even though I’m not weighing or measuring myself, positive changes have occurred even within the first week.  They are as follows:

  • My  black, “church” pants were looser this past Sunday than they were the Sunday prior.
  • My muscles feel tighter, more well defined.
  • My posture is better. I walk taller with my head held higher.
  • My skin is more radiant and clearer of blemishes.
  • I have more energy.
  • My blue jeans are saggy.
  • I am stronger, and my cardiovascular endurance is greatly increased.
  • My blood pressure is lower, on average.

Not bad for 20 minutes a day, I’d say. I’m gonna be a U.S. Marshal before you know it.

Flyin’ high now,



10 thoughts on “The 30-Day Shred: Day 10. I’m Not Dead Yet, But It’s Still a Possibility.

  1. You almost make the 30 day shred sound like a good thing. Well, except for the near death experience of it all. 😉

    I need Jillian in my life. I know that. It’s just hard to for me to take the first step.


    • The Shred IS a good thing. Just not while I’m doing it. It’s all about seeing how close you can get yourself to the Pearly Gates without actually walking through them, as best I can tell. That first step is a killer, though. I’ll give you that.


    • I Shred in the morning, as early as possible. Before I lose my nerve. It’s only 20 minutes, so it doesn’t consume that much of my time. Just my energy. For me, it’s like taking medicine: get it over with. Those people who enjoy exercise? Yeah, that’s not me.


  2. Pingback: The 30-Day Shred: An Update « Adventures In Womanland

  3. Pingback: The 30-Day Shred. An Update. « Adventures In Womanland

  4. Pingback: The 30-Day Shred: The Results Post « Adventures In Womanland

  5. Pingback: The 30-Day Exercise Challenge | Adventures In Womanland

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