Well, here we are…now what?

My name is Heather Lewis.

My life’s an Adventure in Womanland.

It’s different than Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. But not by much.

I have a Wonderful Husband (aka Big Daddy, aka Chap), a beautiful daughter (aka The Diva, aka Precious One, aka Baby Girl), and, currently, a job as a school administrator in a private high school in Southern California.  I’ve got lots of degrees, none of which helps me figure out what’s for dinner. Any one of those things could be classified as its own adventure.  All of  them together total my adventure.

Oh, and there is the matter of the two international students, New Girl 1 and New Girl 2, from two, different continents who live with us. “English” is a relative term in my house.

Oh, and Laila-dog, too.  I hate dogs. More specifically, I hate dog hair.  It’s a neat-freak thing.  You wouldn’t understand (unless you are one).

I lean towards cynicism.  But I’m working on it. Sort of.

I like to find the funny.  When things aren’t okay, and sometimes even when they are, I take one, giant, mental step back and look at the given situation from the SNL perspective (stories to come later). Just imagine your life as a series of  Saturday Night  Live skits.  It’s a whole new perspective, eh?

As best I can tell, my life has been an Adventure from the start.

To begin with, at 35 years old, I’ve lived in 21 different houses/apartments in 6 different states.  Heck, at this point, when I snap my fingers, my stuff jumps in the boxes, and off we go. The beauty of being a nomad is this: “stuff” never has time to accumulate in my tent.  You know, those clothes that don’t fit, piles of old blankets, broken bikes, etc.  We don’t have any of those. If we haven’t used it in a year, we don’t have it.

If that’s not adventure, I don’t know what is.

I like to cook.

I’m not as social as many/most, though I don’t have anything against having good friends and have a few myself.

Eric (aka My Wonderful Husband) convinced me that, in the face of a number of upcoming adventures, blogging might be a way for me to best work through my thoughts.  Specifically, he (lovingly)

Eric and McKenna cruising San Diego Bay.

said, “It would be a good way for you to vent.”  Indeed.

So, here I am.  Never blogged before.  Never even read many blogs, except the Pioneer Woman, to whom I bow in respect.

What now?

3 thoughts on “Well, here we are…now what?

  1. Four words: where do I subscribe?

    I predict that we are reading the first-ever post of the next star blogger. Why? Because although she’s uniquely her0—no-nonsense, intelligent, and utterly human—she’s every woman trying to make it one day at the time in womanland! I sense that she’s not only willing, but able, to articulate what we’re all thinking and gripping about, with a delectable humorous perspective that will make us nod in agreement and smile (at the very least).

    Adventures in Womanland just made my reading list of daily pleasures 


  2. Pingback: The Daily Vent. Pun Fully Intended. Read On. « Adventuresinwomanland's Blog

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